DEQ 2019 Upriver Reach Orphan Sampling

Hart-Crowser. 2020


Upstream portion of Portland Harbor; Sampling plan, Summary report, lab data files, and GIS location files for the upstream portion of Portland Harbor.

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Title Filename Size (kB) Document Type
GIS Data File type 93,024 Data File
Validated Data File type L1155761_Validated.XLS 632 Data File
Validated Organochlorinated Pesticides File type L2375251 OCP_Validated.xlsx 48 Data File
Percent Solids Weight Log File type L2375251 Total Solids.xls 56 Data File
Validated PCB, DF, and PBDE File type L2375251_PCB_DF_PBDE-Validated.xls 2,493 Data File
Field and Data Report Upriver Reach Sediment Investigation File type 6220-URSI-Field and Data Report_01-31-20.pdf 9,692 Report
Sediment Sampling Work Plan Upriver Reach Sediment Investigation File type 6220-URSI-Sediment-Sampling-Work Plan-10-25-2019.pdf 1,664 Report
Willamette River, Upriver Reach RM16-26 Orphan Declaration Memo File type Willamette River, Upriver Reach RM16-26 Orphan Declaration Memo.pdf 4,535 Memo