Field and Data Report, River Mile 6 East, Focused Sediment Chacterization

GSI Water Solutions, Inc., Portland, OR. 2014 (362 pages)


This report is intended to document field activities and to present and evaluate analytical results of the surface sediment investigation that was conducted in April 2012. The approach and procedures for the RM6E Focused Sediment Characterization are detailed in the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) prepared by GSI Water Solutions, Inc. (GSI). The SAP was reviewed and deemed acceptable by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Deviations from the RM6E SAP are described in this report

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Title Filename Size (kB) Document Type
Appendix H Data File File type Appendix H - Data File.xlsx 172 Data File
Sampling and Analysis Plan River Mile 6 East Focused Sediment Characterization File type RM6E Sampling and Analysis Plan (March 29 2012).pdf 11,442 Report
Field and Data Report River Mile 6 East Focused Sediment Characterization File type RM6E Text_FINAL_May 2014_full report.pdf 122,970 Report