Final Field and Data Report, Upriver Reach Sediment Characterization (URSC), Lower Willamette River

GSI Water Solutions, Inc. and HartCrowser. 2018 (53 pages)


This Field and Data Report provides the results of Upriver Reach Sediment Characterization (URSC). The Upriver Reach is the most upstream portion of the Lower Willamette River, starting near the Sellwood Bridge at River Mile (RM) 16.6 and extending to Willamette Falls at approximately RM26. This report describes the sampling activities and presents analytical results. The evaluation of the URSC data is limited to providing maps of the sampling locations and tables of the results. A detailed interpretation and discussion of these data are beyond the scope of this report.

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Appendix F - Excel Data File File type UpriverSedCharData.xlsx 233 Data File
Final Field and Data Report, Upriver Reach Sediment Characterization (URSC), Lower Willamette River File type UpReachSedCharReport.pdf 27,512 Report