Kennedy/Jenks. 2013 (640 pages)
Summarizes the laboratory analysis, data validation, and data reduction activities associated with the Portland Harbor 2012 Smallmouth Bass Tissue Study. The fish data were collected as part of the remedial investigation and feasibility study (RI/FS) for the Portland Harbor Superfund Site. The sampling was conducted on behalf of the Lower Willamette Group (LWG) under the oversight of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The objective of the 2012 bass sampling effort was to collect additional whole-body smallmouth bass fish tissue data for the Site with the primary objective of establishing an additional line of evidence to support the current monitored natural recovery (MNR) evaluation in the draft FS.
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Title | Filename | Size (kB) | Document Type |
Excel data file | 2013-02-28_Portland_Harbor_Bass_Baseline_Raw_.xlsx | 1,519 | Data File |
Statistical Comparison of Historical and 2012 Smallmouth Bass Data | 03-06-2012_Bass_Data_Comparison_Memo.pdf | 315 | Memo |
2012 Smallmouth Bass Tissue Study Data Report | 709818.pdf | 21,938 | Report |