Willamette Cove Hydrographic Survey

Solmar Hydro, GSI. 2020


High-resolution hydrographic survey within the Portland Harbor at the Willamette Cove Project Area. The survey was completed February 10, 2020 for the Performing Parties on behalf of GSI Water Solutions, Inc. The survey was designed to support the Preliminary Design Investigation (PDI) and Remedial Design (RD) activities being undertaken as a part of the Willamette Cove Environmental Cleanup, and included simultaneous bathymetric and acoustic backscatter intensity measurements.

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Title Filename Size (kB) Document Type
Google Earth imagery (grayscale ABS mosaic) File type 20200210_WC_ABS.KMZ 1,610 Data File
Google Earth imagery (multi-color DEM) File type 20200210_WC_Bathy.kmz 5,642 Data File
20200210_WC_NAD83-11_ORN_Ft_ABS provides the geo-referencing projection information for the *.tif file File type 20200210_WC_NAD83-11_ORN_Ft_ABS.tfw 0 Data File
0.5-ft r20200210_WC_NAD83-11_ORN_Ft_ABS esolution acoustic backscatter intensity mosaic Geotiff files File type 20200210_WC_NAD83-11_ORN_Ft_ABS.tif 4,283 Data File
20200210_WC_NAD83-11_ORN_Ft_Bathy provides the geo-referencing projection information for the *.tif file File type 20200210_WC_NAD83-11_ORN_Ft_Bathy.tfw 0 Data File
20200210_WC_NAD83-11_ORN_Ft_Bathy 0.5-ft resolution bathymetric DEM Geotiff files (sun-illuminated hillshade) File type 20200210_WC_NAD83-11_ORN_Ft_Bathy.tif 23,379 Data File
ASCII Grid file of bathymetry at 0.5-ft gridded resolution (NAVD88 vertical datum) File type 20200210_WC_NAD83-11_ORN_Ft_Bathy_ELEV.asc 296,258 Data File
Data Projection file File type 20200210_WC_NAD83-11_ORN_Ft_Bathy_ELEV.prj 1 Data File
Metadata file File type 20200210_WC_NAD83_11_ORN_Ft_NAVD88_Metadata.xml 14 Data File
XYZ bathymetric MS Access flat files at 0.5-ft gridded resolution (NAVD88 vertical datum) File type WC_BathyXYZ.mdb 1,330,608 Data File
SHI 2020 Willamette Cove Survey Memo. File type SHI 2020 Willamette Cove Survey Memo.pdf 10,424 Memo